PINK MOON: April’s Full Moon: Time to take a joyride on the magick that blooms …

Every full moon is a powerful opportunity to get in alignment with the month and seasons energy. This month of April see the Pink Moon, the 4th Full Moon of the year. It is time once again to let go of what is no longer serving you, and set intentions for the remainder of the lunar cycle. Tune into the Pink Moon’s powerful energy and release to make room for rebirth. It is time to take advantage of this potent lunar energy and look up to the sky in awe of this beautiful, enchanting spring Moon. I call to all Witches, Wiccans and Pagans to find an open area in nature, and watch the Pink Moon rise!




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NOTE: This years (2022) Pink Moon happens to be a Super Moon (meaning the moon is closer to Earth, so it’s bigger, brighter, and more potent!).

Why is it call the Pink Moon?

Although not actually a Pink Moon in color, this Moon is still very special. April’s full moon name is traditionally called the Pink Moon in the Northern Hemisphere and comes from The Old Farmer’s Almanac where the name originates from a mix of Native American, Colonial American, and European sources. Each full Moon name is applied to the entire lunar month (not only to the night of the full moon). The Pink Moon corresponds with the early springtime blooms, especially a specific wildflower native to eastern North America called the Phlox Subulata (also known as: creeping phlox or moss phlox or moss pink).

Phlox Subulata – Moss Pink

Alternative names for Aprils Full Moon : Growing Moon, Hare Moon, Planting Moon, Budding Trees Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Egg Moon, Eastermanoth, Ostaramanoth, Green Grass Moon

About the month of April: The name “April” comes from the Greek goddess Aphrodite who is also identified with the Roman goddess, Venus. The Romans called this month “Aprilis” meaning a time of unfolding flowers and leaves. Very applicable since this Pink Moon marks the beginning of spring when we see all the flowers and trees starting to bloom with life and color.

Here are some correspondences to work with during the month of the Pink Moon:

They energy you are working with this month of April is that of creativity and productivity. There is a real sense of a return of balance and a change in “self” – so take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. This change can come in the form of self confidence and self reliance; additionally, this months energy is also a time to work on any anger or other emotional issues that may flare. Time to address these and any selfish tendencies that you may have going forward.

To enhance you magickal practices you can connect with the following correspondences by either incorporating items on your alter or magickal space, spell work, potions or candle making and in your meditation practices.

Colors to focus on are gold and crimson red. Scents of pine, bergamot, patchouli and bay with herbs of chive basil, geranium and thistle are all great additions at this time for spells, potions and candles. USe daisy and sweetpea flowers. Include precious stones such as ruby, garnet and sard in your magick. Corresponding animals are the wolf, bear, magpie and hawk. Spirits to connect with at this time are the plant faeries and, if you want to work with a specific corresponding deity Ishtar, Venus, Kali, Hathor, Ceres, Bast and Anahita are recommended choices.

Folklore, Myths and Superstitions

It is believed that a full Moon in April brings frost and if the full Moon rises pale in color, you should expect rain. In medieval England/Europe the had “Moon’s Men” who were highway thieves who operated only by night. And, a ring around the Moon is believed to mean rain or snow will come.

According to folklore, the period from the full Moon through the last quarter of the Moon is the best time for killing weeds, thinning, pruning, mowing, cutting timber, and planting below-ground crops.


Hathor the Mother Goddess

Hathor, one of the most popular and powerful goddesses. A goddess of many things: love, beauty, music, dancing, fertility, and pleasure.

The Light Side: She is the Mother goddess of Egypt, the mother of all deities and goddess of the Moon. Her original name was Het-Hert /Hat-Hor (which means House or Womb of Horus). Hathor was self-created. The Egyptians called her the “Heavenly Cow” who created the milky way from her life giving fluid. Goddess of the dead (the West) and protector of women and motherhood.

The Dark Side: The sun god Ra ordered Hathor to carry out his vengeance on humankind back in the early days of our existence on Earth because people had become so wicked and disrespectful. She killed humans till all the rivers ran red with all the blood. The story goes that Ra felt sorry for the people so he called Hathor to stop but she wouldn’t. Hathor was so filled with anger and blood-thirst that she refused Ra. Ra eventually got goddess Hathor to stop by getting Her drunk after which she forgot Her blood-lust and stopped the killing.

NOTE: Hathor was the Goddess who was also identified with the legend of the Nile Goose who laid the Golden Egg of the Sun.

Pink Moon Spiritual Connection – How to Connect

The Pink Moon falls during spring, so it also deals with themes of rebirth after the winter. The full moon and the days surrounding are a magnificent time to release everything that is weighing you down. Ready to do some magick? me too! This is why you should take advantage and use this Pink Moon to charge your magical tools. Lay them outside and connect with nature as you do so.

NOTE: When the Pink Moon is the first full moon of the spring season, it is also called a “Paschal Moon.” Easter Sunday always comes the Sunday following the Paschal Moon. Like full moons themselves, Easter is typically a time to think about rebirth. this happens to be the case for the Pink Moon of 2022.


It’s always great to mark the night of a full Moon with some kind of special ritual. I have put together a list of suggestions that you might want to consider doing. They are all designed to help you along your magickal journey in this life and reach your fullest potential. Enjoy working with this Aprils full Moon, the Pink Moon!

1. MEDITATE – the full pink moon is a powerful time for meditation. Why not do this or a similar meditation. It is also a good idea to do this or any other mediation before any other full moon rituals you may have planned. This will help you get into the right mindset. 1) Dress comfortably and sit in a space where the moonlight is visible. 2) Close your eyes and feel the Pink Moon’s beams fill your body and the space around you. 3) Now focus on your breath, breathing slowly in and out. 4) Bring your attention to the intention that you have set. 5) Imagine the Pink Moon’s light is surrounding and purifying your body, mind and soul. 6) Slowly bring your attention back to the present and open your eyes.

2. CHARGE YOUR CRYSTALS – the Pink Moon, in particular, is an excellent time to connect with the earth after winter months.

3. MAKE MOON WATER – this is easy to make and is very useful for all your magickal practices. All you need is a clean jar and purified water. Fill the jar with the water and leave it out in moonlight overnight with an intention in mind.

4. RELEASE – the Pink Full Moon is a time to release what is no longer serving you. It marks the start of spring. Get rid of any old baggage and move forward cleaner and lighter into a fresh season. You can do this by writing down what you want to release on a piece of paper. Once you have done this, go outside and under the light of the Pink Moon, burn the piece of paper. This will energetically let go of what you wrote down. Feel the release and the lightening of your load.

5. DECORATE EGGS – Decorate eggs for your altar or sacred space and do this in remembrance of the Great Goddess and Her life renewing abilities.

6. TAROT READING –  you can use a tarot deck you have or use an online tarot deck. This Pink Moon is a powerful time to get guidance on where you need to go and what you should be doing.

7. FULL MOON BATH –  Add some pink Himalayan salt, lavender essential oil and fresh flowers that are currently in bloom in your area.


  • April 1st – Festival of Kali (India), The Fortuna Virilis Venus (Rome), Day of Hathor (Egypt)
  • April 4th – The Megalesia of Cybele (Rome)
  • April 5th – Festival of Good Luck – Goddess Fortuna (Rome)
  • April 8th – The Hana Matsuri/Flower Festival (Japan), the Mounichia of Artemis (Greece)
  • April 11th – The Day of Anahit (Armenia)
  • April 12-19th – The Cerealia/The Return of Persephone (Rome)
  • April 15th – Festival of Bast (Egypt)
  • April 22nd – Festival of Ishtar (Babylon)
  • April 28-May 3rd – Festival of Flora & Venus/Floralia (Rome)




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