About the Blogger

Hello, my name is Hannah Mason, I’m a Blogger-Witch with an itch to provide you with as much useful, well organized Wicca/Witch/Pagan related information as possible!

I was born in England. I was the balck sheep of my family and decided to up-root to purse a life on my own terms. My heart longed to travel, so I did. I have been to over 40 countries! I am on a quest to gain first hand, invaluable experiences that I can share in my blogs to benefit you, my reader 🙂

Life is magickal. Knowlege is invaluable. Together you can create the life you want to be living.
All I do comes from my heart. A place of love. My choices lead me down a path of persoanl discovery and to my true nature of being a Witch (a kind of “calling” I know some of your reading this can probably relate to).

I have been writing blogs over 10 years. My motivation comes from wanting to help people navigate their way to living the life they truly desire to live. My goal is simple, to fill in the gaps and make the knowledge easily accessible and easily digestable.

This is your wiccapedia for you to use as you please, Written around intriguing and inspiring content that is all factually or experienced based. It’s all right here, readily accessible to you, via wiccahow.com

I’m on a mission: to organize without compromise and to share the the wealth, that is knowledge.