Why Cats are the perfect companion

Why Are Cats Associated with Witches? Are They the Perfect Companion …

It’s not just Witches who love to have a feline companion, there are over 400 million cats worldwide! Do you have a cat as a pet? If you do, you will know that they really are mysterious creatures. They have been and continue to be, regarded as supernatural natural creatures and loyal companions for Witches and people alike. Lets face it, cats are magickal! Going way back into ancient times, a cats supernatural grace has been closely observed, respected and admired. But there is a darker sided too. Cats have been demonized. But why? All will be explained as we dive deeper into the profound and complicated relationship we have with cats.

Cats & Witches

Both Witches and cats personify the archetype of the feminine (form and energy). Both inhabit and embrace the darkness, letting the Moon guide their way. Both are with heightened intuition letting it guide their way through life. Cats have frequently been aligned with magick and the feminine since ancient times (sometimes for good, sometimes for bad). With their stealth, deliberate movements cats have been considered to be strong, magickal agents in the worlds of both physical and spiritual as they are believed to possess a unique magickal energy.




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The Allure of Our Feline Friends

Its hard to argue with the fact that cats are among the more exotic looking and more mysterious in behavior than most of the other pets people tend to have. Did you know cats are super alert and active at night when you sleep? That’s right. If you were to be awake, you would probably see them taking part in secret midnight gathering with the other cats in the neighborhood getting up to who-knows-what!

They are sublimely sensitive creatures. You might notice that your cat companion seems to be able to communicate with the unseen. You would be correct in your assumption. Cats can see and hear things that we cannot. Just pay attention next time you do a ritual or spell on a full moon …

Our beloved cats are skilled hunters who just love to ambush. They hide in peculiar places, making sudden, startling movements (has this ever happened to you?). Cats just love dark and stormy nights and have no problem moving from place to place with their perfect night vision and glowing eyes. Cats eyes, if you think about them, are almost a supernatural feature in itself, don’t you think?

NOTE: Cats eyes ‘glow’ because of a mirror-like structure called the tapetum lucidum (Latin for shining layer) that is located behind the cats retinas. This layer of reflective cells is what boosts their night vision.

Did you know that the vertical slit you see in your cats eye is unique to our feline friends? Big cats like lions, tigers and jaguars do not have this feature. That is because this particular feature is a freaky feature that you can only find among small nocturnal predators who hunt close to the ground.

NOTE: Other nocturnal creatures that have a vertical split pupils are: foxes, crocodiles, snakes and some birds. Their slit pupils allow the iris to contract and expand very suddenly and very noticeably.

It really is no surprise that cats are the number one animal associated with Witches! Like Witches, cats know what they want and are impossible to control. Cats do seem to have one ‘paw’ in this world and another the spirit realm. Cunning, and a little detached, with their piercing eyes always seem to be gazing just beyond the veil. Watching and observing our feline friends you can start to see why we feel so connected to them. To me, cats represents an unbreakable connection to our wildness and exploration of mysticism, the trusting of our intuition and, our creative power.

NOTE:  In the United States cats are the most popular house pet with over 90 million domesticated cats living in approximately 34 percent of U.S. homes.

A very interesting fact you might not know about cats is that cats can be trained like our second most favorite pet, the dog! Yes, that’s right. There have been numerous studies done that have shown that cats recognize their name and respond. They also recognize faces and are very loyal to their owners (who they see as their family). They are very smart and more aware than most people think. If you treat your cat right it will treat you right too (obviously) but, it goes deeper than that. If your cat really trusts you, you can develop a strong bond and teach your cat to do things, even help you out with tasks. I watched this very interesting program on Netflix’s (Inside the mind of a cat) and it was very insightful. It backed up a lot about what I already knew about cats and was very entertaining to watch!

So, if you want your cat to become a part of your magickal workings pay attention and see if they are interested first. Like us humans, cats have their own unique personalities and preferences. They have their own talents too! If you spend enough time with them, they will show you and you can build from there.

INTERESTING FACT: A cats purr incorporates the same vibrational wave length as the noise a crying baby makes. They have the ability to induce this sound wave into their purring, which may account for the undeniable loving and caring feelings we have for them, the strong desire to look after them.

Why Are Cats Associated with Witches?

For this we have to take a look at the Middle Ages and the witch trials of Europe and Massachusettes (Salem). Witches and cats were very closely associated in this period. Back then, those people who were suspected of practicing witchcraft were often suspected simply because they owned at cat! Can you believe someone could be accused of witchcraft just for owning a cat! They also believed that the witches would shape-shift into cats in order to committed obscene acts, even though they never had any solid evidence of this.

During these times, the accusers believed that the cat did the witch’s bidding. Some people even believed that cats were actually witches in disguise! This meant that the unfortunate cats more often than not, faced the torturous and ill-fate of their owners. From the 15th to 18th century, countless women who were accused of witchcraft were killed because of the stigma against cats, especially black cats, who were almost always killed alongside their foredoomed owner.

It was in the middle of the 14th Century when black cats became associated with the devil. A tremendous amount of cats were killed during this time. This was also the time of the Bubonic Plague. Some people think that this was a mistake and that the cats they killed could have helped kill the rats that spread the deadly disease.

This does makes sense if you think about it. Killing such a large amount of the cat population could have thrown the eco-system we all live in out of balance. A result of this mishap could have been that the plague was much worse than it ought to have been if they had just let the cats live. However, looking at it from another point of view, a few researchers have stated that cats would also contract the disease and spread it in the same way as the rats and so wouldn’t have really made too much of a difference. What do you think?  It is important to note that the plague was mostly spread by fleas (fleas which lived on rats, cats AND dogs).

NOTE: Witchcraft  ‘craft of the wise’ witches are to be able to perform magick, brewed potions and are known for healing the sick. But back in the Medieval times, the Christian Church did not like the fact that people were asking Witches to help solve their problems (and not the Church). In retaliation, the Church, spread propaganda that their magickal powers stemmed from the devil!

In the Middle Ages the tension and hostility began to grow between cats and Catholics. In 1233, Pope Gregory IX issued a public degree called the Vox in Rama. This was a warning against the dangers of Satan and of witchcraft, accusing people who embraced cats (especially black cats) of been practitioners, stating that the cat was actually Lucifer in disguise. Because if this, cats were burned and thrown from bell towers – how horrific!

Cats were stigmatized for their unapologetic independence and for been seen as creatures who aligned with the devil and evil because of their natural autonomous behavior. This made them easy to mould into a symbol of heresy making them a target for violence and murder. Unbelievably, even today, black cats are less likely to be adopted because of all of this. I do think that this was a big mistake on behalf of the Pope. He may have contributed to the millions of deaths witnessed during the Bubonic plague which began in 1300’s, which was just a few decades after Pope Gregory’s Vox in Rama was issued …

NOTE: The decree ‘Vox in Rama’ was a response to the rumored satanic cults in Germany, that portrayed black cats as part of their devil-worshiping rituals.

What is a Familiar?

Animals have always had their place in witchcraft and folklore, these animals were and are still called ‘familiars’ which means they have a very special bond with Witches. From cats, to owls to toads. A Witches’ familiar first became a popular concept back in Europe in the Middle Ages (around the 16-17th century) which happened to be the height of witch persecution in Northern Europe. People, especially those in small, isolated communities, were very suspicious and always on the look-out for anything that wasn’t ‘normal‘.

Familiars have been an association of witchcraft for a very long time. Cats (and dogs) are the most common familiars, with cats more often associated with evil because of their nocturnal and independent nature. Like all living things, good and evil resides in all of us and it is always worth noting and keeping this in mind.

NOTE: Some other popular familiars are: rats, hares, crows, mice, snakes and foxes.

If you have a pet cat you have probably picked up on how sensitive and intuitive they are. Cats sense and feel energy and emotions. Anyone can call any animal your familiar if you have a special bond with the animal. Having a close companion like a cat, is a mysterious confidante and a trusted friend. It can bring so much joy and insight into your life. There is something magickal about how a cat can just ‘know‘ how you are feeling and cheer you up. They may even sometimes actively participate in your rituals (if they are in the mood of course!).

What is Cat Magick?

As we has established, cats have long been considered dynamic magickal agents that walk in both our physical world and the spiritual world. They have been very much a part of the sorcery of the ancient world and, have made many appearances in medieval grimoires participating in both high ceremonial rituals and everyday folk magick.

You can deepen the bond between you and your cat(s) as you practice magick together by doing spells, enchantments and recipes that will improve the life you share together. You can improve their health and even establish a magickal goodbye when their nine lives have run their course.

A cat doesn’t have to be black to be magickal either. Familiars come in all shapes, sizes and colors. You can tell if a cat is a familiar by how they react around your magickal work and how much of an interest they show. A familiar cat will come and sit next to you because it is drawn to the energy that you are working with. They come because they are there to lend you their energy and also tapping into the unseen in ways we can’t fully understand yet.

You can use their fur, whiskers even claws that they have shed, in your own magickal workings. Also, cats can sense spirits and even elementals (any cat can, they don’t have to be familiars to do this) which can be very useful to you.

Why do Egyptians Worship Cats?

Egyptians saw all animals as representations of divine aspects of their gods. Cats in particular were associated with their Goddesses/female aspects of deity. Cats were an integral part of ancient Egyptian life. They believed that cats carried an important role in the afterlife. They went to the trouble of mummifying and placing their cats along side a person in their tomb. One reason the mummification was done is that when cats were mummified, it was believed that the person could then use the cats body as a vessel in the afterlife.

NOTE: When mummify their cats the Egyptians would shave their eyebrows as a mourning ritual – would you shave your eyebrows in honor of your dead cat?

The ancient civilizations of Egypt are the most well known for the revering of cats. You can do a quick search online to find so many photographs of tomb paintings that feature cats alongside human families. Because the Egyptians held their cats in such high regard, they also believed that their souls would encounter the same afterlife as a human soul. Cats in ancient Egypt were also seen as possessing the power of fertility. They depicted this by painting them sitting under women’s chairs, showing their strong connection with women.

Ancient Egyptians understood that cats are powerful, quick and very smart creatures. They appreciated any cat that approached their home and welcomed them in. Once invited in, the cats would kill or chase away snakes, rats and other pests out of their homes keeping it a clean and safe space. This was like a working relationship, maybe even an unwritten agreement between the person and the cat. The cat would work hard to protect the home from pests and in return the home owner would provide shelter and food for the cat. Cats were domesticated in Egypt around 2100 BCE for hunting purposes.

NOTE: There was no distinction between a wild or domestic cat. The Egyptians welcomed all cats into their home as all cats provided companionship and pest control.

Some Egyptians loved their cats and respected their cats so much that they literally covered them in jewels and treated them like royalty! Ancient Egyptians held cats in such high regard because of the practices and preferences of their gods, their kings, the pharaohs who all kept giant cats. Members of the Egyptian royal class dressed their cats in gold and let them eat from their plates. The lower classes of people obviously weren’t in a position to dress their cats in precious metals like the royals and gods, but, they did make and wear their own jewelry which they made with cats designs instead.

Cats were fiercely protected. Killing a cat would bring you the death sentence by law. An exception to this law was when an owner killed a kitten to accompany them into the afterlife or during Temple rituals when they would use cats for a sacrifice. According to the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus who stated ‘whoever kills a cat in Egypt is condemned to death, whether he committed this crime deliberately or not!

Cats are featured extensively in ancient Egyptian art which highlights their unique status in this culture. They were initially brought into the home as useful predators, then gradually became symbols of divinity and protection. In Egypt it was believed that cats would bring good luck to the home.

NOTE: Scientists found a cat cemetery in Beni-Hassan over flowing with around 300,000 cat mummies!

Cats & The Gods

Cats were connected with the feminine deities, daughters of the Sun god Ra, Bastet and Sekhmet and are associated with the Eye of Ra (the All-Seeing Eye). This is regarded as a symbol of protection, but also associated with the destructive heat of the sun. Cats were considered incarnations of the goddess, and were kept by priests at her temple. The widespread belief was that domestic cats carried the divine essence of the cat goddess Bastet (or Bast) who represented fertility, domesticity, music, dance and pleasure. It is for this reason that cats were/are to be protected and venerated.

Egyptian goddesses, Bastet: A feline deity. Bastet the goddess of cats and is depicted as a cat or a woman with the head of a cat. She presides over the home, fertility, and protection. To harm a cat was considered a crime against Bastet herself. Bastet was first depicted as a fierce lioness, but later as a domestic cat, a dutiful mother with several kittens and a protector of the family. Bastet can turn into a cat. Her temple resides in the Per-Bast city as she represents pregnancy, childbirth, and fertility.

Egyptian goddess Sekhmet: A feline deity. Sekhmet is depicted as a goddess with the head of a lion and is the the fiercest hunter known to the Egyptians. She was the protector of Pharaohs, leading them into warfare. Sekhmet, a lioness goddess who is a warrior and protector deity who keeps away illness and sickness.

Egyptian goddess Mafdet: A feline deity. A goddess depicted as wearing a skin of a cheetah, and protected against the bite of snakes and scorpions. A powerful being who protected the Pharaohs of Egypt and the king of the gods, Ra. Goddess Mafdet has many titles as an Egyptian Goddess and is seen as a force of justice and punishment. Acting as the hand of Ra and protecting the world against snakes. 

NOTE: The strong association between cats and women comes from the fact that the feline deities are goddesses only.  Cats are also associated with female medicine most probably leading to their association with Witches. 


Its important to note that the Greek goddess Hecate was also known to transform into a cat, alongside the Roman goddess Libertas who is shown typically with a cat. The Romans viewed cats as a symbol of independence and freedom. The ancient Chinese also worshiped a god called Li Shou who also took the form of a cat.

Cats & Mythology

In mythologies, feline creatures are closely intertwined with the discussions of magickal women. They have an association with women of a formidable stature (such as witches) with danger and deception.  In Greek mythology, Diana, goddess of the hunt, moon as well as teacher of magick and witchcraft, is believed to have shape-shifted into Lucifer’s beloved pet cat to gain entrance into his chamber and seduce him.

In Norse mythology, Freya the goddess of fertility, war and death, would lead Valkyries into battle to collect fallen soldiers. Goddess Freya would ride in on a chariot led by two intimidating blue magickal cats called Bygul and Trjegul. Freyja was in charge of death and the afterlife and known for practicing witchcraft.

In Hebrew folklore, Lilith who is notorious for being banished from the Garden of Eden for refusing to be subservient, based on a Hebrew legend of Adam’s first wife Lilith. She was cast out of Eden for not submitting to Adam and turned into a type of vampire demon black cat. She shape-shifts into a black vampire cat that is called ‘El Broosha‘ and preys on newborn babies. The story goes that Lilith and Adam bickered endlessly over every kind of matter (big or small). Lilith refused to let Adam dominate her in any way insisting that they were equal. When Lilith complained she received no sympathy from Adam or help from God. For this, she called the Holy Name of the Creator and flew out of the Garden of Eden to the shore of the Red Sea. Here she made her home in a cave. God sent three angels to bring her back, but Lilith killed the Angels because she did not want to go back. She was transformed into a demon of the air (Night Demon or Night Rider). She is believed to kill or steal children in their sleep because her children are condemned to death by the thousands by the will of God.

NOTE: During the first weeks of their birth children are vulnerable to be killed by Lilith also known as cradle death. To protect young children, only an amulet with the names of the three angels (Sanvi, Sansanvi, Semangelaf), Adam and Eve in combination with a spell, could keep her away.

In the Irish and Scottish folklore, the ‘Cat Sidhe‘ is a fairy creature from Celtic mythology. The Cat Sidhe is said to look like a large black cat with one white spot on its chest and as the size of a large dog. The Cat Sidhe shows itself with its back arched and bristles erect. Legend has it that the other-worldly cat haunts the Scottish Highlands. Some common folklore suggested that the Cat Sidhe is not a fairy at all. Instead, some say that the Cat Sidhe is a witch who can transform voluntarily into a cat nine times. However, if a witch was to choose to transform into a cat for the ninth time, it is said that they would remain a cat for the rest of their lives. Many believe that this is how the idea of a cat having nine lives originated.

On Samhain, it is also believed that a Cat Sidhe would bless any house that left a saucer of milk out for the cat to drink. And what about those houses who did not? Well, those houses would be cursed. The demonic Cat Sidhe also goes by the name of ‘Big Ears’ and could be summoned to appear and grant any wish to those who took part in the specific ceremony which required practitioners to burn the bodies of cats over the course of four days and nights.

In the British folklore tale “The King of the Cats“, a man comes home to tell his wife and cat, called Old Tom, that he saw nine black cats with white spots on their chests carrying a coffin with a crown on it. Supposedly, one of the cats tells the man to tell Tom Tildrum that Tim Toldrum is dead. Old Tom then exclaims, “What? Old Tim is dead! Then I’m the King o’ the Cats!”. The cat then climbs up the chimney and is never seen again – what do you make of this? Let me know in the comments.

How Did Cats Become So Popular?

Various civilizations and cultures viewed the Royals as trendsetters. They copied and followed any trends that they saw done by Royal families. Bearing this in mind, you can trace cat popularity to back when humans first began building settlements. The cats that were around were seen as natural pest control on farms and in towns. They protected the grain from mice and other pests, and so their reputation for being good and useful to have around began.

Cats basically introduced themselves into our lives (not the other way around). They were attracted by the rats and mice that were found in homes and places of business. As I have previously mentioned, this started a beneficial relationship between a person and a cat as the person, who was grateful, would give the cat food and a home to stay (if they wanted to stay that is) and so cats sort of domesticated themselves.

Witch trials in Europe continued long into the 1600’s. But by the 1700’s, things were starting to cool off and as a result, cats began to be accepted into people’s homes once again. It wasn’t until the 1800’s that cats became even more popular. People from all classes began to adopted them as pets for pure companionship this time and not just pest control. It is during these years that the cat pet trade began to take off and some of the first cat food brands were established.

NOTE: Cats were introduced to North America and Australia in the 1800’s

It was a Mr. Ed Lowe who is the credited inventor of the famous ‘kitty litter’. He created the kitty litter in 1940 but wasn’t brought to the market until 1964. Mr Lowe’s kitty litter product was made from clumping clay which was way less messy than methods people used beforehand and, it is believed to have started the trend for indoor house cats.

NOTE:  In Cyprus, 1983, archaeologists found a cat’s jawbone dating back 8,000 years the finding suggests that domestication of cats occurred before 8,000 years ago!

Bring you up to present day and we can see cats every. Now-a-days it seems cats are their own individual superstars. You can watch them on YouTube acting and performing in very entertaining ways (a far cry from their ancient past!). It was around the 1990’s when having a cat evolved into cat a billion-dollar industry where you could access services and special products for your beloved kitty-cat. However, I dare say that the cat hasn’t entirely shaken its association with evil,thinking of any movie or cartoon villain who are usually stroking as they plot to take over the world.

What Does a Cat Symbolize?

For thousands of years, people have been captivated by cats. A cat actually symbolizes a lot. Lets take a closer look into the symbolic meaning of cats and how this can be incorporated into your life and your personal relationship with a cat. Even before wild cats became domesticated, ancient cultures believed in the cat spirit animal. Because cats are nocturnal they are also associated with darkness. When we think of darkness we also think of the unconscious, things that are hidden even fear. 

The meaning of ‘cat power‘ demonstrates traits such as: magick, mystery, unpredictability, elegance, healing curiosity, independence, protection rebirth, resurrection (because of their 9 lives), sensuality and freedom

  • Positive characteristics: independence, liberty, spiritual enlightenment, intuition, balance, and hope. 
  • Negative characteristics: demons, evil witchcraft, darkness, Halloween

These contradictory attributes make the cat an even more of a powerful symbol of balance. Guiding us to be patient and observant, and to calculate our every move. The cat always strives to make the right decisions executed with considerable self-confidence mixed in with a spirit of adventure.  

Cats illustrate a sixth sense that helps those who possess it, to see the world profoundly from an different perspective. Cats are quite social and charming, making a good impression for themselves everywhere they go. However, they are not overly fond of attention, so they can often come across as being pretty detached as they like to sit on the sidelines, quietly observing and taking everything in (like little watchers).


For Native Americans, they generally believe that cat symbolism is about: mystery, the esoteric, independence, and the guardian of energy. For some particular tribes (the Oglala), the meaning of cats for them is of witchcraft. They believe cats have the power to put curses on them and for this reason, do not have anything to do with them. The Pawnee tribe link wildcats to the stars and clothe their children in its fur for celestial blessings.


The Eastern parts of the world they have a figurine called ‘Maneki-Neko’ (aka the Beckoning Cat or Happy Cat). It is a cat animal totem for good luck born from a legend of a man that was saved from lightning by this cat’s gesture. If a cat is using its left foot, then it means this feline spirit animal is bringing happiness and luck into your life. If the other right paw is lifted, then it’s bringing money into your life. The white Maneki-Neko cat symbolism is of good fortune. The black cat Maneki-Neko is to keep evil away. The golden Maneki-Neko cat is for wealth and prosperity. The red Maneki-Neko is for good health and the yellow Maneki-Neko cat for improved relationships. A green Maneki-Neko is for academic achievements. a purple Maneki-Neko is for beauty and longevity and a pink Maneki-Neko cat’s meaning is for love, hope and romance.


For the Celtics, cats symbolize the guardians of the Otherworld with a cat spirit protecting its secrets. Other meanings Celts have for cats are: mystery, emotional distance and unpredictability. To them, the cat is about pacing yourself and finding the resources you need within the peace and changing the way you do things. To be creative and compromising. They also held the belief that the black cat was also of evil. Because of this believe they used to sacrificed black cats to keep this demonic energy away from them. The Celts also associated cats with their goddess Brighid.  Cats in relation to Brighid were representative of friends and companions. The Celts also associated sensitivity and stealth as positive qualities of cats and emulated these aspects in an attempted to copy them.  Druid Priests would also practice cat magic so that they could cross between the spiritual and physical worlds.


Cats in the Bible are depicted mostly as wild animals. The Bible defines the cat’s predatory nature and not in a very positive light either. They portray the cat as a creature of cruel and ruthless behavior (especially the black cats!) damning them as a satanic creature who are evil beings who prey on the weak.  The spiritual meaning of a black cat from a Christianity point of view defines them as a demon vessel. Through this cat’s powerful mind, the ‘Luciferian spirit‘ could communication with people. However, on a more positive view of cats in the Bible, Jesus Christ associated the strength and boldness traits of the felines, linking to lions who are depicted as Kings who bestow their judgment and wisdom upon others. But, more often than not, Christianity turned these positive traits of cats upside-down by connecting cats with Satan and evil witches with cats seen to be accomplices of their wicked practices and hung or burned with their owner when they were convicted of heresy.


In China cats became a symbol of wealth and were traded for precious materials such as silk. Whereas in the Middle East, cats were viewed as clean animals and were encouraged and allowed in homes as pets.

As you can see, the symbolism of cats portrays every aspect of our human nature, good and bad and everything in between. It includes jealousy and anger, but also demonstrates power, strength, and majesty as well. 

Cats and Superstitions?

If a cat happens to appear in your life, or maybe one already has, then you should pay close attention to details and happenings that are going on around you. There are some very interesting superstitions surrounding cats to the point where some even believe that the magickal powers that cats possess are powerful enough that they could bring someone back from the dead!

The Celts believed that cats were actually people who had been forced to return to this world after committing living a bad life and committing many bad deeds. This theory might be the source from which people talked of witches turning into cats … some food for thought?

Ireland folklore the Cat Sidhe is a combination between a cat and a fairy, a magickal creature that I have previously mentioned who could steal souls and dish out curses. In Wales, legend has it that if a girl steps on a cat’s tail she will be unlucky in love; if she’s already engaged, it will get called off and if she’s seeking a husband, she won’t find him for at least a year.

In rural parts of Italy it is believed that if a cat sneezes, anyone who hears the sneeze will be blessed with good fortune. Also, the Italians believed that if a black cat jumped on the bed of an ill person, the person would soon die.  In some farming communities, if a farmer killed a cat it is believed that his cattle or livestock would die or that the killing will bring the farmer a weak or dying crops for the nest season.

In parts of Eastern Europe a folktale of a cat meowling in the night is said to warn of coming doom and, if a black cat is in the audience on the opening night of a play, it is said to have a long and successful run. Also, sailors and navy would keep a black cat on seafaring ships to ensure a safe sail. In Japan, a black cat crossing your path is said to bring good luck and scare away demons that maybe be trying to get to you. A black cat appearing on your doorstep mysteriously is a good omen in Scotland.


The significance of cats is also associated with their color. If an orange/ginger cat appears before you, some believe it is there to push you into making changes in your life and maybe even start a new beginning. A grey or silvery cat is strongly linked to the occult. Maybe a cat entering your life who is grey or silver is looking to become your familiar? As we have already addressed, some people believe that black cats are unlucky or are ill omens. But, in Britain and Ireland, they believe black cats are actually lucky! Seeing a black cat at night, although thought as a bad omen in many parts of the world, can actually be seen as a vital sign that healing energies are entering your life. 

NOTE: If you had a dream about cats, it might be a sign of deceit and unpleasant upcoming events.

We’ve talked a lot about black cats been seen as ‘bad’ but this isn’t always the case, especially in countries where the witch-hunt trials and madness didn’t reach or effect them. For example, Russia and Japan view black cats as a good luck charm. The Japanese very much believe that it is important for single women to have a feline friend. The reason behind this is that cats are thought to attract an attractive suitor.

You might ask yourself what does it mean when you see a cat and what does a cat represent? When a cat appears in your life, be aware of the message it brings. What is the message I hear you ask? It is about a deep secret that someone is hiding from you (does this ring any bells?). What does it mean when a cat shows up at your door? It means be happy, because it is a sign of good luck and good fortune. If you hear a black cat meowing, then it means that your friends are talking behind your back.

NOTE: The black cat’s spiritual meaning has its roots in the superstitious legend of the demonic vampire being Lilith that would take the cat’s form and steal babies’ breaths.

The superstition of not throwing the ship’s cat overboard is said because it is believed that if you do, you should expect rough winds, stormy seas, and maybe even some drownings and a sunken ship – how frightfully awful.


The cat spirit guide will position you where you need to be and teach you when to act. Your own spiritual connection with cats can help you change your ways and help finalize results of goals and plans you may have.  The cat message is that of balance, knowing when to stop, reflect and listen to your instincts. Be aware of when it is time to act and when it is time to relax.

A cats symbolism speaks of flexibility and agility of its ability to always fall on their feet. By invoking the cat’s spiritual meaning in your life you may feel the need for independence in your life or relationship. The cat spirit will boost your confidence and help free yourself from your limitations with the spiritual significance of cats being that of mystery … if you seek esoteric knowledge you should consider calling upon this spirit to come in and to assist you in your spiritual quest.

A dead cat symbolically speaks about releasing your emotions and paying attention to your deepest feelings. Dreaming of cats that are playful could mean that you need someone or something in your life that can bring out your whimsical side.


Despite the niggling remains of black cat bias, luckily cats in general have found their way back into the good graces of society. Is it a coincidence that the rise of interest in witches and witchcraft is kind of aligned with the rise of the popularity in cats, we are, after all, reclaiming of the divine feminine, are we not? As we have established, cats have a long association with femininity and goddess energy so its not much of a surprise that the two of us came together to form the perfect companionship. A witch and her cat. Happy together in their own weird and wonderful world. Lets honor our feline friends who have historically been revered and demonized. Never again.




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