Harvest Full Moon of September

HARVEST MOON: It’s Time to Reap What You Have Sown …

A Full Moon is always a special time for a Witch! And September time, going into Autumn is one of my most favorite times of the year. The full Moon of September is called the Harvest Moon. The Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the autumn equinox. In every 2 years out of 3 the Full Harvest Moon occurs in September, but in other years it appears as late as October. At the peak of harvest farmers can work late into the night, by the light of the Harvest Full Moon because it stays full for many night (which is one aspect which makes this full Moon so special!). Look up and bathe in Her glow! Unlike other Full Moons, the Harvest Moon rises at nearly the same time (around sunset), for several evenings in a row and is a special full Moon because it is the closest full Moon to the Fall Equinox. Ceremonies and rituals are as old as time itself, so, lets once again embrace the Full Moon as another opportunity to reset and harness our true magickal potential.




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NOTE: Other names for the Harvest Moon are: Singing Moon, Wine Moon, Wood Month, Sturgeon Moon, When Deer Paw the Earth Moon, Holy Month Moon (Haligmonath), Wood Month Moon (Witumanoth)


The full Moon names come from a number of places which include the Native American, Colonial American and multiple European sources. Each full Moon name was applied to the entire lunar month not just to the full moon specific day/night of the full Moon. Due to the fact that the bright, beautiful moonlight provides extra light for farmers, who have the ability to harvest their crops before the first frosts arrive, is the main reason for this Moon to be known as the Harvest Moon. September is the last of the good harvesting months in the northern hemisphere, as we all begin the process of winding down in preparation for the dormant winter months that lay just around the corner.

NOTE: At this time, corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice are now grown and ready for gathering.

Did you know that the month of September was originally called “Septem”. It was the 7th month in the oldest Roman calendar but, the name was never changed even after other months were added to the seasonal calendar which is now a total of 12 months.

The Harvest Moon is especially exciting, as I previously mentioned, because it rises at nearly the same time, around sunset, for several evenings in a row. If you can, try to take a few moments each night to bathe in the evening lunar glow. You might notice that there is a slight chill in the air. The Earth is slowly beginning to move towards winter dormancy as the sun pulls away from us and the darkness gets ready to set in. The celebration of Mabon, the autumn equinox, is nearly here!

With the energy of this season now in flow. It flows from the Autumn Equinox all the way through to the Winter Solstice and into the Spring Equinox. These are gentle, deep and more hidden energies. Now is the time for the Underworld. The deep spiritual mysteries of death and reincarnation which are represented by the Dark Moon Deities.

NOTE: The Egyptian Ceremony of Lighting the Fire was a general “festival of lights” for all the gods and goddesses, done on September 13th & 14th – why not have your own ceremonial festival! How would you choose to reinact this fire festival?


Thoth is an Egyptian God of Holy Words and the Four Laws of Magick. He is the Ultimate Magician. Thoth has control over the attributes and powers of the Moon and is referred to as the “Lord of Books and Learning” or “Lord of Holy Words“. Thoth is a self created God. The Egyptians refer to Thoth as the creator of the most famous Egyptian hieroglyphs and numbers.

He is the greatest magician (more so than Osiris and Ra). The appearance of Thoth is described as an ibis-head, wearing a lunar disk with crescent symbols on his head, holding a palette and writing reed (the tools of a scribe).

Thoth, God of Magick and the Powers of the Moon

Thoth has a great temple in Upper Egypt, a place called Hermopolis Magna. Under his temple, in a crypt, were his sacred books of magick, kept safe by his disciples who were the only ones allowed to see the books. His priests taught that Thoth created by the sound of his voice only.

NOTE: Greeks and other races later translated these books of magick in to works called the Hermes Trismegistus and the Kabalion.


If you want to enhance your magickal connection with the Harvest Moon of September, here are some suggestions of ways in which you can achieve this. You can wear, or, decorate your altar/sacred space using the colors brown, yellow and greeny-yellow. In your spell work or magick add a citrine, peridot or chrysolite. You can even just add these to your altar or add your outfit as a piece of jewelry for the day & night. Incorporate the flowers lily and narcissus to your decor or magick, along with the scents of bergamot, mastic, gardenia or storax. Bay trees as well as Hazel and Larch are both trees associated with this month. If you are wanting to connect with deities or nature spirits you should focus on making connections with the Trooping Faeries as well as the following god and goddesses: Thoth, Demeter, Freyja, Isis, Nyphthys, Ceres and Ch’ang-O. If you wish to incorporate birds and animals, the sparrow and a snake or Jackal are excellent correspondents for this moon month.

When working your magick, focus on balancing your light and dark energy. This power flow is all about resting after your work. Now is the time to get rid of clutter, organize and clean up in all respects: spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. Corresponding herbs for this time are skullcap, copal, fennel, wheat and rye. Incorporate these herbs into a tea fusion or magickally charge and add to meals.

As the saying goes – if a person is born on a full Moon they will have a lucky life! Is this you? Do you know somebody who was born on a full Moon …


The month of September is the month of your home and hearth to prepare for the coming winter months. Use this time to clear out all clutter (physical, spiritual, emotional) so you are personally better prepared and in a great place for spending lots of time at home during the long winter days and nights.

The Harvest Moon is a season about reaping what you have sown. Remember those physical, spiritual and emotional seeds you planted in the spring? This is the season where they are bearing fruit and you can take advantage of all of your hard work.

NOTE: The Earth element is most typically associated with this time of year.

Give gratitude for the harvest you have already received. This may include the abundant friends, passions, partners and support from the Universe. You can take a moment to ask for your cup to be re-filled and put into balance. Focus on anything you would like to increase or desire more of. Do some spell work around these concepts. Maybe even start thinking about ways you can share your abundance with others.

Ritual To Do During the Harvest Moon

Our sense of taste is a very powerful and important sense that we physically possess. The sense of taste can really connect to our thoughts and feelings to the time of year and the energy that is all around us. We can certainly utilize our taste buds during our full moon celebrations. If you want to try something that will attune you and your mind into the Harvest Moon’s energy, try making some Moon cakes, or a delicious meal s from the fruits and vegetables you’ve grown in the garden or bought from your local organic farm. Taste the wonderful, nurturing foods that the Earth has blessed us with, and be grateful.

Feast of Divine Life

This is a feast that was originally an yearly Egyptian festival which celebrated the Moon and the life giving waters (which the Egyptians believed came from the Moon!). At this time of year they would sacrifice a pig to the Moon (they believe that pigs are unclean animals) – what are your thoughts on this?

Divine life is most often associated with the Triple Goddess, a triad of goddesses who are known by many, many names throughout the world. Lets take a quick look at some of those names:

  • GREECE: Persephone, Demeter, Hecate
  • ROME: Proserpina, Ceres, Hecate
  • IRISH: Morrigan (triple goddess in herself)
  • IRISH: Danu, Badb, Macha
  • WELSH: Blodeuwedd, Arianrhod, Cerridwen

THE RITUAL: A Step by step guide to a ritual you can do on the Full Harvest Moon night.

What you need:

  • Yellow candle 1x
  • Green candle 1x
  • A cauldron
  • Altar lit with altar candles (your choice of how many altar candles you want to use)
  • 2x candle holders
  • Your wand

STEP 1: Cast your circle and call up the directional guardians

STEP 2: Say the following words:

The harvest is completed.

Now all life rests before the coming of the winter season.

Light and darkness stand in balance.

This is a time of thanksgiving to the Triple Goddess.

STEP 3: Light the yellow and green candles with a candle from your altar, and carefully carry the yellow and green around your ritual area Starting in the East and moving clockwise, pause at each Element and say the following:

I bring the harvest of this year.

Bless the harvest, Ladies of Divine Life.

STEP 4: Place the candles in holders on your altar and tap your cauldron three times with your want and say the following words:

Out of life comes death.

Out of death again comes comes life.

The Universe and everything in it moves within this cycle,

Ever ending, ever renewing.

So it is with all humans,

Both in the physical and in the mental.

Remove all negative seed thoughts that I have planted.

Let me harvest only the seed-thoughts that will bring me joy and abundance.

Teach me to seek better things.

For this I give all honor and praise to the Triple Goddess of Divine Life.

STEP 5: Now meditate. Take in the divine guidance and wisdom . Listen for any instructions which may be given to you.

STEP 6: Close the circle.


As a Witch, we understand that the full Moon holds a stronger pull over the waters of this Earth. Not only the oceans, rivers and lakes but also the waters which reside in us! During any full moon phase you will begin to notice changes in the behavior of the ocean. If you go down to the beach you should notice that the waves roll in much higher during a full moon than any other moon phase. And just as the tide rolls in higher, so do our emotions!

NOTE: If you pay close enough attention, you will notice a stir of emotions rising up within you, sometimes things may rise up that may startle you like unexpected emotions that you suddenly experience as if out of the blue.

We are all made up of approximately 70% water therefore, the Moon’s magickal force is affecting us the same way if affects the vast oceans, rivers and lakes. A Full Moon is a gifted moment where we can use this energy which is being stirred up inside us and acknowledge whatever it is that may rise up. Now is the time to own your emotions! Master your feelings. Control the power that you have inside of you. Allow the Full Moon to light and guide your way. Remember to be aware of what is happening and acknowledge this but try also not to be reactive. Embrace whatever may emerge from within.

TIP: Try to be as aware as you can about your behavior and nay patterns you notice. Make a note of this. Stop yourself from slipping into unconscious behavioral and thought patterns.


September 8th: Water Festival (Tibet) – honoring springs and water sprites.

September 10th: Moon festival of Women’s Feast of Reunion (China)

September 13-14th: Ceremony of Lighting the Fire (Egypt) – honoring Nephthys and the spirits of the dead.

September 18th: Chinese Harvest Full Moon Festival (China) – honoring the Moon Goddess Ch’ang-O

September 19th: A day long fast to honor Thoth, God of wisdom and Magick (Egypt)

September 21st: Feast of Divine Life (Egypt) – honoring the Triple Goddess Maiden, Mother & Crone

September 23rd: The Festival of Nemesis (goddess of fate) – (Greece)

September 23rd to October 1st: Festival of the Greater Eleusinia (Greece) – a 9 day sacred feast

September 27th: The Birthday of Athene (Greek Goddess) & the Moon Festival Choosuk (South Korea) – honoring the spirits of the dead

September 30th: Festival of Themis (Titan goddess of divine law and order) – (Greece) – as ruler of Delphi


The full moon is a precious moment in time where we can all feel the divine feminine energy and use it to understand, express, let go, receive and nourish. Allow yourself to let go and allow your mind to attune to the full Moon’s cosmic flow. It is important to be open to be able to receive any divine wisdom that you may be blessed to receive. The Harvest Full Moon is a perfect time to tune into your intuition and appreciate this gift. Try to stay as mindful and grounded in all that you do and know that with every full moon comes a new opportunity to work with new and different energies. Honor the Moon and honor yourself and honor all living things in this world. Take nothing for granted and appreciate every blessing that you receive. Blessed be!




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