How to Cast a Circle for magickal workings

How to Cast a Circle? Prepare for your protection …

Drawing a circle around yourself is a practice that has been done for centuries and can be found in many cultures all over the world. The idea behind drawing a circle around yourself is that you will be safe from attack as long as you remain within the circle. In Paganism it is common to find in many different traditions, the use of a circle as a sacred space to work within. And, one of the best things about it is, you can cast a circle pretty much any place you want! This can be very beneficial if you want to amplify your ritual by working outside, in a sacred area, under the light of a full moon for example.




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INTERESTING FACT: The Babylonians would draw a circle on the floor, around the bed of a sick person in flour to keep any demons or evil spirits away.

Why a circle?

A circle is used to mark the boundary or perimeter or an area that is sacred, the circle not only keeps out the unwanted energies and spirits it also works to keep your raised power and magickal energy in. Basically, the circle’s purpose is to designate a space (wherever it may be) as a hallowed (special) place for rites, rituals and spells.

NOTE: the use of a circle is to delineate sacred space. If that’s not something you require before spellwork, then it’s not necessary to cast a circle. Bear in mind that not every Pagan tradition casts a circle – many Reconstructionist paths skip it altogether, as do most folk magic traditions. If you are just making a sigil or are doing a small spell, you don’t have to cast a circle.

Is it one-size-fits-all when casting a circle?

Not really, no. The dimensions of the circle depend on a few factors, such as:

  • What is the purpose of the circle (Ceremonial magick, coven ritual, home ritual)
  • Who is drawing the circle
  • How many people will be in the circle

A Coven circle is typically 9 feet in diameter. When drawing a Ceremonial circle for magick you will be required to have a very accurate circle with a specific dimension etc. But for your own circle at home it dosen’t have to be so precise and accurate but it still must be drawn with a certain amount of accuracy and care at a size of 5 feet.

NOTE: The size of your circle will depend on how many people need to be inside it!

How to draw a Circle

Here are a few ways in which you can create a circle for yourself:

  1. Draw a circle on a piece of carpet in permanent marker
  2. Have a circular piece of material cut, with the circle marked on it
  3. Have some chalk to draw a temporary circle on the floor
  4. Use a cord to mark your circle (making sure you tie the cord so there is no gap)
  5. Use some white paint to mark your circle
  6. Use some rocks or stones that can touch and connect to make a solid circle
  7. Pour salt water in a circle on the ground

NOTE: If you want to improve the mood and ambiance, you can have additional candles which are already lit in between the 4 white candles of your magick circle but they must be placed OUTSIDE OF the circle line.

How to cast your Magick Circle

The magick circle doesn’t just protect you when you are working your magick, it also acts as a portal to the spiritual realm and a psychological tool to put you in the correct state of mind to perform a ritual, mediate, work a spell etc. It is important that you purify and consecrate everything (including yourself) that will be within the circle during the ritual.

FACT: In Saxon Witchcraft it is called “Erecting the Temple” others call it, “Casting the Circle” or “Opening the Circle”.

A step by step guide on how to cast your very own magick circle for yourself.

In Saxon Witchcraft it is called “Erecting the Temple” others call it, “Casting the Circle” or “Opening the Circle”, which ever you choose, here is a simple step by step to give you a good idea on how you can go about Erecting a Temple for you to honor and work with the energies of the universe.

STEP 1: Find a secure, comfortable, private place inside a building or outside in nature (whichever feels right for the particular ritual you are performing). Midnight is a great time but you can cast a magick circle at any time of day or night.

STEP 2: Cleanse and purify the place you have decided to cast your circle before doing anything else. This is a very important step to remove any negativity and purify the space. Tidy and organize the area first. Clean and cleanse the space with a spray made from purified water and drops of essential oils (lavender, Witch-Hazel and tea tree are good options) .followed by smudging with either incence/sage/bay leaf.

STEP 3: Mark out the boundary of your circle with your preferred method (chalk, cord, paint, pre-marked rug, stones etc.)

STEP 4: Set up your altar in the center so when you stand in front of it you are facing east. Set up your ritual items within the circle (this should include everything you are going to need for your ritual) this includes the following items (which will vary depending on the ritual you are performing): your altar furniture, altar cloth, a censer, candles, athame, wand, libation dish, chalice, salt, purified water, oil, crystals, bells, figurines that represent deities.

STEP 5: Organize all your items on your altar and make sure when you are facing your altar you are facing east.

STEP 6: Mark the cardinal points on your circle using a compass if you’re not sure, with large pillar candles or another relevant marker that represents the element for that direction (north – earth/green candle, east – air/yellow candle, south – fire/red candle & west – water/blue candle)

STEP 7: Kneel in front of your altar with your eyes closed and concentrate your thoughts on seeing your mind’s eye. See yourself enclosed in a ball of white light then direct your energy to make that light fill the whole circle, holding it for a few seconds, then relax.

STEP 8: Open your eyes, stand and move to the east point of your circle.

STEP 9: Point your right fore-finger down at the circle and walk slowly deosil (clockwise) drawing the circle with the power that your are directing down. After completing the circle come back to your altar.

STEP 10: Light the altar candle and incense, take the altar candle and start with the east candle move around your circle and light each cardinal candles (east, south, west and north) the place the candle back on your altar. In each cardinal direction you can recite an invocation for example: Blessing upon the creatures and spirits of the east …

NOTE: How you choose to use your magick circle once it is cast is up to you and will depend on your goals and practices. You will always want to start by blessing the space and clearing it of negative energy whether this is super formal or not, remember to do what feels natural to you.

STEP 11: Invoke the elements and spirits and deities you wish to work with. Call them to the objects that represent them on your altar. Take each of the objects which represent the elements around your circle, filling it with the power of each of the elements.

STEP 12: Meditate, astral project or use your magick circle to shift your consciousness.

NOTE: Depending on your tradition or beliefs when you are going around the circle lighting the candles you can call upon the Deities/Watchtowers/Guardians of the four cardinal points.

STEP 13: Complete your ritual. 

NOTE: If you must leave the circle before you are done with your ritual make sure you do this properly by cutting a doorway in the east part or the circle with your athame or finger. To do this you need to envision a doorway being cut from the edge of the circle, up, to the side, then down again. You must remember to re-close the circle when you return.

STEP 14 : Pay respect to the deities/spirits/energies you invited in. Thank all the elements before you remove the representative objects from the four points and lastly, undo the casting of your magick circle by casting in reverse.

NOTE: Different rituals call for you to do them at different phases of the moon, check when your ritual should be performed whether its a full moon, dark moon, waning moon or waxing moon ritual.


It is good practice to always cast a circle before performing a ritual and working with deities and the spiritual world. Depending on the person and your particular practices and beliefs, you can do this in special robes or completely naked, it’s up to you. This was just a basic outline for a solitary practitioner but it can be adjusted to accommodate whatever ritual you want to do and for as many people as you want to include.




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